IO 4 Maturity model in the area of ​​Industry 4.0 (EN, BG, HU, BG, EL)

The ADAPTION model was developed by the research team at RUB and successfully applied in selected companies in Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece and Germany. The practical experience was used to develop the self-learning module for potential DCs. ADAPTION aims to support companies in determining their current level of digitalization and to plan measures to close the existing gap. The model breaks down operational change processes into manageable steps and focuses on the socio-technical dimensions. The implementation phase is followed by an evaluation, which may lead to a revision of the target concept and action planning. It offers a holistic approach with 49 criteria for characterizing the progress of digitalization.

The aim of the module is to enable the DC to find individual solutions that are optimal for each company when applying ADAPTION in practice.

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IO4 Maturity model in the industry_DE

IO4 Maturity model in the industry_EN

IO4 Maturity model in the industry_HU

Maturity model in the industry_BG


IO4.a Learning video – ADAPTION maturity model

The purpose of the learning video is to briefly explain the adaptation maturity model. Learners learn what a maturity model is, which phases the implementation consists of in practice and how the individual steps take place. The video is well suited as introductory information for potential DCs who would like to learn about the application of ADAPTION in practice as part of a training course and together with the self-study module.

To get access to the video click on the following link:

IO4.b DC – Implementation reports ADAPTION (Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek)

During the project, the project partners from Bulgaria, Greece and Hungary applied the ADAPTION maturity model in five organizations each with internal and external digital coaches and documented the methodological approach of ADAPTION as well as the initial situation, the actual and target status with regard to digitalization and possible recommendations for action for the companies. This resulted in “best practice” reports, each with individual case studies, which record the key findings and valuable experiences for the design of transformation processes for future digital coaches. This has resulted in “lessons learned” and further recommendations for the continued use of ADAPTION. The trial in the three countries serves as best practice for the transfer of the “digital coach” concept. Interested parties can use this experience for their own application.

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