IO2: Quality management as the basis for digitalisation in companies
IO2 addresses quality management and its role in digitization and is aimed at trainers and innovation promoters. Technology and cost-oriented quality management approaches are extended by the module focusing on proven and particularly relevant tools. Participants learn to design flexible production environments, minimize waste and optimize information flow. They understand the connection between process optimization and quality management as a basis for digitalization and can identify needs for digitalization in corporate quality management. The goal is to acquire practice-relevant knowledge and skills, including the implementation of TQM and EFQM models, quality management methods, certification approaches, selection of recruitment strategies, use of quality management tools for organizational change, and leadership concepts such as multisource feedback.
IO2a: Trainings program – Quality management as the basis for digitalisation in companies
In addition to the self-learning module “Quality management as the basis for digitalisation in companies”, a very detailed training programme was developed in the form of a presentation, which can be used as a learning material in Digital Coach training courses.