IO8 Strategies for ensuring the acceptance of digital solutions in companies
IO 8 was developed by the research team at IAW at Ruhr-Universität and evaluated by project partners. Securing acceptance of digital solutions plays a crucial role in the implementation of digitization and artificial intelligence in companies. The module examines psychological processes that influence the decision to use digital solutions, including the role of factors such as top management, supervisors, colleagues, and task design. Participants will learn to analyze and interpret the adoption of digital solutions and derive actions. They will be able to consider individual needs of employees in different positions and promote adoption. In this regard, a first pilot implementation was carried out in Pécs (Hungary) under the leadership of Prof. Kröll from IAW.
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IO8a Learning video regarding the ensuring of acceptance
The video
provides an introduction to the topic of acceptance assurance in the context of digital transformation in companies, starting with the relevance and importance of acceptance assurance for digital transformation. Challenges are addressed and the problem situations that can arise with acceptance in practice are discussed. In addition, findings from empirical studies, in particular from the technology acceptance model by Venkatesh & Bala, are presented and scientific factors influencing the acceptance of digital solutions are discussed. The theoretical input is followed by strategies for creating acceptance. The video is ideally suited as a basic source of information for DCs who are faced with the challenge of implementing a new digital technology in their company and who would like to find out more about securing acceptance in the context of digital transformation as part of a training course and to accompany the self-study module.