IO9 Limitations and opportunities for participation in the implementation of digital solutions

IO 9 was developed by the IAW and evaluated by project partners and addresses the importance of participation for the introduction of digital solutions in companies. It examines the limits and possibilities of top-down and bottom-up strategies and their interaction. In addition to technical processes, the changes brought about by digitalization also affect social interactions and the qualification requirements of employees. Innovative forms of interaction are emerging and require the early participation of employees and promoters who encourage dialogue and identify opportunities as well as risks of the digital world of work. The module teaches skills to proactively accompany technological change and develop design options for a working world that supports employees and employers alike. The DC plays an important role in communicating, training and promoting new ways of thinking and behaving in the company.

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IO9a Learning video – Empowerment

As part of the video, the self-learning module “Limits and possibilities of empowerment in the implementation of digital solutions” is presented in terms of content and structure. The individual chapters of the module are briefly explained here. Among other things, the relevance of empowerment in digital transformation as well as the role that digital coaches play within this process are conveyed. In addition, the requirements for empowerment are explained and a process model is presented that can be used as a guide when implementing empowerment in the company. In addition to the structure of the module, the role of the case studies present in the module is explained, with which practical application of what has been learned is achieved.

IO9b Lernvideo Empowerment-Training

The content of the video relates to the topics of the self-learning module “Limits and possibilities of empowerment in the implementation of digital solutions”. A concrete case example is presented, which appears in the self-learning module. In connection with a visualization of the case study, the tasks associated with the case study are also named. The video can be used as part of a training course on empowerment and offers participants the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic and test their understanding of the topic by completing the application tasks. The aim of the video is to make the topic of “empowerment” tangible and understandable for the participants, to illustrate the relevance of the topic using an everyday example and also to convey the problems and challenges in the context of empowerment.

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